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Břeťa 2022-09-30 20:46:46 John Lennon and Imagine: Is the discussion w

Jaroslav Schrötter 2022-02-21 14:02:54 Břeťa - intro: Vážený pane Fajmone

Břeta 2021-11-07 21:43:00 Matouš 3-4: Děkujeme za reakci.

Milan 2021-11-04 12:46:31 Matouš 3-4: Dobrý den, reaguji

Ondřej Kratochvíl 2021-11-01 21:44:53 Exodus - obsah: :)

Břeťa 2021-02-20 17:52:27 Žalmy - úvodem: Jde o to, že to slo

Pavla Turková 2021-02-20 17:07:50 Žalmy - úvodem: PŘIVÍTALA BYCH NĚJA

Břeťa 2020-12-04 09:11:09 Software pro čtení Bible: Ke čtení Bible se o

Jesus – film (1979)

Bretislav Fajmon, 2nd February 2015

a) I would like to put up a link to the Jesus film dating back to 1979. Director John Heyman tried to create a movie as faithful as possible to the Bible, mainly to the Gospel of Luke. You can see the film (dubbed into Czech) or in the English original on Youtube with English subtitles -- the English and Czech versions differ in the first and last three minutes only where the movie is given special introduction for Czech / English audience (+ a few comments) otherwise the films are identical. The movie was offered to the people in Czechia around 2000 and anyone who ordered the DVD received a free copy.

The online reviews are not always positive but bombastic effects were not in focus for the creators of the film, they simply tried to faithfully set forth the message of the Gospel of Luke, with exactly the same words recorded in the Bible, with no (or just a minimum of) scenes added to it. For this reason the overall impression may be a bit static -- however, this does not diminish the uniqueness of the film by any means. The makers just tried to visually get across the biblical message.

b) In 2007 the film was followed by an interesting project -- a second film was created, called (Youtube English version) Magdalena - released from shame. The film half of the time uses scenes from the 1979 movie and completes the story by adding new sequences of the events as viewed by four different women. The film remains faithful to its emphasis on the unembellished biblical message and adds episodes from the other three biblical gospel records (i.e. the gospels of Matthew, Mark, John). In 2011 the DVD version called Magdalena - through her eyes was released. The movie can be bought with Czech subtitles in Czechia at the cost of 90 Czech crowns. The English page of the project offers seeing the MAGDALENA movie online in English, French, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, German, South American Spanish and Turkish.


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